Are public schools for preparing students for college or life?
Apparently parents and educators have two very different viewpoints on the fundamental question about the very purpose of an education.
Which side are you on?
Are public schools for preparing students for college or life?
Apparently parents and educators have two very different viewpoints on the fundamental question about the very purpose of an education.
Which side are you on?
Do you know what your child’s school is really teaching them? So many parents across the United States had their first glances inside their children’s education during the pandemic because of virtual schooling. But this should not be the case. Christopher F. Rufo, James R. Copland and John Ketcham argue that public school parents should have…
For the first time since 2019, there’s a conservative on the Houston school board. In fact, there’s now two conservatives on the nine-member board. Houston ISD is the largest school district in the state and one of the largest in the country. The election shows once again how frustrated voters are with mask mandates and…
Are you trying to decide whether or not to homeschool your child? It’s a big decision, and there’s lots of factors to consider. This video looks at homeschooling from every angle.
The last two years have shown us just how powerful teachers unions can be in shaping our nation’s education system. But whose best interest do these unions really have at heart? 4,500 members of the Minneapolis Teachers Federation and Education Support Professionals are currently on strike to demand higher pay, better working conditions, and smaller…
Is Clark County School District’s new grading policy really helping students? It certainly doesn’t seem like it! When students returned to in person learning in the fall of 2021, the district had implemented a new grading policy that gives every student a minimum of a 50, as well as prohibiting teachers from penalizing students for…
Nevada educators falsely deny that CRT is being deployed in local schools Has your child’s school district said Critical Race Theory is not being taught? Ron Knecht argues that just because CRT is not an official part of the curriculum does not mean that it is not being taught in your child’s classroom. Read the…